Thursday, February 27, 2020

Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

Proposal - Essay Example As you said, the training would be done by you and not by others who quite frankly do not do it very well. Accordingly, our new brochures are being prepared. For instance, last year we spoke about my promotion to managerial position when we increased our sales team, if you would consider this to be now, then, I would propose that advertising ideas be done by someone like the person we previously met or alternately, it can be done by someone else who could do a good job, you or I could easily oversee and handle without any doubt. Then, between Brad, Robert and I, we could handle further duties. However, someone needs to steer the ship and be authoritative, since we need to introduce more decorum in the office. Because of these new demands, I have no problem with hiring or firing, I know it could get personal but if it is detrimental to the company, I have no alternative but to fire the underperforming person. When in business, I do not have an allegiance to anyone that is not performing well enough to satisfy the numbers we have projected. We also need to make sure we have people on a reserve basis so as not to have empty desks. To do this is not difficult, because there is a steady flow of talent available and we can interview and have back up without any problem. The need to obtain new accounts should be imperative, encouraged and propelled to the forefront with expected consequence. A new way of selling bullion is not difficult to do, we need to crush some numbers with Wilshire and rebook at a reasonable cost and selling prices, and this would bring us in line to compete with other companies. For us to be able to sell the Internet calls we get, this gives us the ability to get them into our fold for loads and conversion which is imperative for our long term goal and hence increase revenue of our company. When the going gets

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Das Kapital by Karl Marx Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Das Kapital by Karl Marx - Essay Example The first volume of Das Kapital was published in 1867 at a time when the working conditions for industrial laborers were terrible and the division between the classes was growing increasingly more pronounced. It must not be forgotten that Das Kapital was a work born out of the industrial revolution. Marx begins the first chapter of Das Kapital with a statement concerning commodities. He defines a commodity as "an object outside us, a thing that by its properties satisfies human wants of sort or another" (125). It is interesting that Marx begins the text with a discussion and definition of a commodity and after several successive chapters, it is clear to see that the commodity is one of the main driving forces behind capitalism. The commodity itself, however, is only valued according to demand or other more ethereal conditions and thus it is a perfect item for the capitalist as it presents no fixed "price" in itself, but its value is rather determined by desire and the potential for profit. To backtrack for a moment, however, a more concise definition of commodity is contained within the idea of "use value." This refers to a commodity's value in how it will be used and how it is desired but this value, according to Marx, has little to do with the actual labor that went into the production of the item. Again, while it is not immediately clear at this early point in the text, the use value versus the idea of labor are important issues because there is more distinction between the two than one might initially think. For instance, something might have a very high use-value and be greatly desired. This desire leads the capitalist to make it expensive and the laborer who made the desired commodity is not paid what the desired commodity is worth, but rather is paid living wages while the surplus profits go directly to the capitalist since he owns the means of production. While that was a very brief, concise, but altogether limited description of the process behind commodities and use value, it is useful background information to frame the discussion as this analysis continues. After this introduction to commodities and use values in Das Kapital , the idea of exchange value becomes of equal importance. As Marx puts it in one of the important quotations from "Das Kapital", "As use values, commodities are, above all, of different qualities, but as exchange values they are merely different quantities, and consequently do not contain an atom of use value" (127). In other words, it is the proportion by which use values of one kind exchange for use values of another kind. This is a vital and fluctuating relationship and has less to do with the commodity than it might initially seem. In short, the common element in a commodity's exchange-value is simply the "value" of it. This means that it all comes down to labor. This is a common tactic Marx employs, at first there a number of daunting methods for scientifically extracting a conception of value but in the end, it all boils down to questions about work and